Thursday, February 17, 2011

You hit the ground, Bang! Bang!

Finally the promised day arrived and according to  Iranian media, 200-300 people and according to some dillusional youtube visitors, near half a million rushed to the streets of Tehran. Let's not argue on how the government media stated that 1500 people were arrested while only 200-300 protesters were on the streets ! I would like to dedicate this post to all the martyrs of Tehran University, a university that has had the most contribution to the democratic movements in political history of Iran and of course the university that I graduated from. Also to some of my dearest friends whom had the potential to become great authors, scientists or artists but their lives got tainted by political and prejudicial decisions of the ministry of science and ministry of intelligence and national security. 
Last but not least, this post is dedicated to Sane Jale the victim of the latest unrest in Iran. A Sunni minority from Kurdistan, one of the oldest and yet poorest provinces in Iran. To be honest I feel ashamed, for what this province tributes is nothing but nationalism and what we offer instead is a title to her murdered son!
Is it that important to seize his identity as a "Green" or a "Basiji" or whatever... His identity was plainly a discriminated Sunni, a discriminated Kurd, an unfortunate brother !

A word with Canadian House of Commons !

I was browsing in my Blogger profile and came across a very interesting section which is about stats of my weblog visitors. The more interesting thing was that my blog was actually viewed from "Canadian House of Commons" in Ottawa in February 16th as you can barely see in the picture !
So I would like to take the moment and  say hello to all members of parliament specially Peter Milliken that I know from Kingston. I also have a message for Mr.Ignatieff and hope he catches my draft.

"I'm a liberal"
"My citizenship application is in progress"
"Not much time is left to election"

Thank you!

Solar Energy

Half of the renewable energy sector companies' revenue was comprised of the governmental incentives that since October, it happened to get frozen?
yeah me neither! Well... until I met two business owners in the same sector, who were desperately looking for investers to relocate their business to UK and they are two among plenty who are striving to not to get bankrupt if not already (I have talked to four business owners myself so far).
As a very conservative comment (since my Canadian citizenship application is still in progress) I know that it's hard for the government to keep everyone happy and I know that Solar power is still not quite economically beneficial, BUT, it's not hard to show that using hybrid systems can reduce the electricity consumption by half!(Check THIS out , I was actually there today) let's not talk about the environmental benefits that it may have by reducing the GHG and the charge on power plants, but let's just say that these poor people won't end up moving to UK to start their business all from scratch and I as a chemical engineer won't have my breakfast with penguins in Fort McMurry!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tribute to Egypt

The latest speech of Mobarak reminded me of Rameses in  "ten commandments". I guess it's part of Egyptians destiny to await for a promised dawn, and a dilemma that has rooted among their dictators to overestimate their powers. I wish world was actually going the way religious books had pictured in the old ages. At least then, Nile could open her arms for her children and bury the dictators inside. Alas that nowadays, "farms flourish and tributaries flow but it's the tears of Nile for the tyranny against her children since the time of pharaoh"!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

For Sara

It's three of us sitting half naked by the quay... The burning sun of mid June in the hottest summer of history in Canada is shining on the Lake Ontario and what I see through my sunglasses is the reflection of the light as random sparkles. I hear Reza is talking on my right and on my left it's a you that I've never met before. My brain starts to wonder, how did I end up here. from my solitude in the sugar cube in Garrett st. to here... Christina's famous sentence keeps ringing in my head... "Life is grande" ... "Life is grande"...
you start complaining about how sun is burning your skin but my head is getting lighter and lighter ... "Life is grande" ...  I start laughing at you! you start laughing back... Then you mumble something about "Vuvuzela" which clearly means "Seriously, my body hurts" and we both know what you mean but thoughts turn out different once they're spoken. 
And now here I am sitting in a silent apartment north of Yonge that is only a noise of cricket away to make it feel like a graveyard and you are about to get on the plane to leave. your guitar is leaning on my desk and this time your voice rings in my head "One day that you become a musician you have to thank me in public for being supportive" mm... well I might not end up a musician but I sure can play something to feel better right now. 

Safe trip

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bitter taste of politics...

35-year-old's Saeed Malekpour, a permanent resident of Canada is arrested and sentenced to death due to designing and moderating adult websites.

So here's the complete news on BBC :

There are few things that I wonder here. First, the nature of this guy's job (designing porn websites) is not prohibited in the country he resided and it also turned out that this guy was a freelance website developer and programmer responsible for developing only parts of websites or portions involving, for example, IT system management and system security. So for sake of argument, let's say I get a job as a Quality Control Analyst in Steam whistle or Molson Canadian. then should I worry about traveling to Iran since what I'm doing is "being involved with an activity against the Islamic supplementary of the constitution law"?
My point is, for the Iranian government, they don't care about what activity you're involved (As this poor guy's accusation clearly shows :"taking action against national security", "contact with foreign entities" and "insulting the supreme leader and president(Come on who doesn't?)"). They're trying to draw a picture of "Watch out , Big Brother is watching you!" in the immigrants heads. It just seems funnier and funnier once you hear about this "Iranian-Cyber-Army" thing that apparently is a branch of "Ministry of Interior and Security" that is consisted of bunch of full-time employees that sit by their computers and go through Facebook profiles to see who's linked to who. 
AND last but not least, I wanna point out  the statement from spokesman for Canadian Foreign Minister regarding this issue:
"Canada remains deeply concerned by the continued flagrant disregard of the Iranian authorities for the right of Iranians," said Alain Cacchione, a spokesman for Canadian Foreign Minister Lawerence Cannon. 

My question is, is this the furthest Canada can get? There has been other cases such as Zahra Kazemi  a 60-year-old  Ira-Canadian freelance photographer who got tortured and raped and eventually killed during interrogation in 2004. I think Canada's government is acting too passive regarding the security of immigrant citizens. Despite a wave of Iranian business owners and students leaving Iran to Canada in past decade, most of the Iranian population of Canada are those who fled Iran or sought asylum in Canada after the revolution. My political views are strongly different from this majority however, the government should realize the potential hazards for the immigrants that will definitely grow stronger by growth of new-comer population in Canada and act less conservative in this case.