Sunday, March 6, 2016

Babak Zanjani, Business man or a clown in suit?


It's funny to check out Facebook Trends to come across Babak Zanjani's execution order and how people across the world have heated up the trend. Among the mixed opinions, some felt sorry for a country where successful businessmen get executed and some backed the idea and rubbed Iran's justice system on dealing mercilessly with corrupt businessmen to US's face ! I guess this is what people refer to as Freedom of Speech! FML!

No one really knows how he showed up in Iran's political hall of fame. Well, or at least except those who inflated his image. So this dude was probably a low-key businessman/puppet who was supposed to sell Iran's oil through his diverse channels to bi-pass the sanctions that were imposed to Iran back in time. So with the cash flow that he generated by transferring money from one account to another (In the supply chain of the oil market he is basically an entity with two hands! Takes oil from one hand, sells it to designated costumers with another, receives money from one hand and returns it back to Iran with another which makes it 4 hands?) So anyhow, he built reputation based on this cash flow and of course by using the money that was allegedly stuck in the accounts from time to time due to money laundry investigations. 

And the reason he was sent to prison was because the money that was supposed to be deposited to Ministry of Energy, that happened to be of the scale of 2 Billion Dollars, was somehow vanished.  

So does this make him a good businessman? No! 
Does this make Iran an example of firm and mercilessly rule of justice? Hell no! I think at best, all it shows is that the judiciary has either found a way to get the money without the need of Mr.Zanjani, or they juts want to get over this mess in silence and avoid raising any attention about the origin of this mm... phenomenon!

To me, Babak Zanjani, at his best, was an opportunist like so many more of his kind in Iran who took advantage of the sanctions, and of course the lack of supervision and knowledge in foreign trades in Iran,

PS> Disclaimer: The above is only my thought on the matter based on what I have concluded from local and international media for the past couple of years. Once again, no one really knows who he showed up in Iran's political hall of fame. Well or at least except those who inflated his image. 

Signing out,
