Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Met with Gene on Monday. It was one of those enlightning moments when I told him I'm thinking about applying for PhD. Although I was waiting for an objection, in contrary he appreciated the idea and encouraged me to do so. It took an hour to hear his story to see life can be the same shit for everyone. Even for those whom you think are living their lives to the fullest. But it's all about how you confront it ! After visiting Gene, not only I was so determined that starting my PhD is a right decision, I also thought this is the biggest contribution I can make to my life. 

So PhD, here I come !

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ironic Oneness of Mankind !


At least they could pretend to follow this Sa'di's well-known poem that decorates the entrance of the United Nations Organization that says:

All men are members of the same body,
Created from one essence.
If fate brings suffering to one member, 
The others cannot stay at rest.
You who remain indifferent,
To the burden of pain of others,
Do not deserve to be called human

ps> I dunno why I have this attitude to criticize the countries I gain their citizenship. Technically I should support the decision and convince myself that such funds will be injected to industry so unemployed professionals like me can do something with their lives. There I'm being negative again ! See I just cant !!!