Finally the promised day arrived and according to Iranian media, 200-300 people and according to some dillusional youtube visitors, near half a million rushed to the streets of Tehran. Let's not argue on how the government media stated that 1500 people were arrested while only 200-300 protesters were on the streets ! I would like to dedicate this post to all the martyrs of Tehran University, a university that has had the most contribution to the democratic movements in political history of Iran and of course the university that I graduated from. Also to some of my dearest friends whom had the potential to become great authors, scientists or artists but their lives got tainted by political and prejudicial decisions of the ministry of science and ministry of intelligence and national security.
Last but not least, this post is dedicated to Sane Jale the victim of the latest unrest in Iran. A Sunni minority from Kurdistan, one of the oldest and yet poorest provinces in Iran. To be honest I feel ashamed, for what this province tributes is nothing but nationalism and what we offer instead is a title to her murdered son!
Is it that important to seize his identity as a "Green" or a "Basiji" or whatever... His identity was plainly a discriminated Sunni, a discriminated Kurd, an unfortunate brother !